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高橋広夫・岩川秀和•尾之内均・小島晶子・町田千代子. どう活かす他人のデータ バイオインフォマティクス活用法 続・生物工学基礎講座 バイオよもやま話(2013)

中川彩美・大賀一臣・車炳允・禹済泰・小島晶子・町田千代子. シロイヌナズナの葉の裏と表の発生分化の仕組みを探る. ―葉の表側の分化を阻害するベルベリンの作用機作― 中部大学生物機能開発研究所紀要13:41-50(2012)

岩川秀和・町田千代子 左右相対称で扁平な葉がつくられる分子メカニズムを探る「目で見るバイオ」バイオインダストリー Vol.65 No.4 8-9, 2007

町田千代子・岩川秀和・小島晶子 左右相対称で扁平な葉がつくられる分子メカニズムを探る「解説」バイオインダストリー Vol.65 No.4 16-20, 2007

岩川秀和・町田泰則・町田千代子 マップベースクローニング「改訂3版モデル植物の実験プロトコール」(監修 岡田清孝他) 細胞工学別冊植物細胞工学シリーズ 21, 116-120, 2005

葉の形造りにおける左右相対称性と扁平性 町田千代子・上野直人・小島晶子・町田泰則 学術月報 58, 6-11, 2005

小島晶子・町田千代子 植物形態形成における体軸決定の仕組み「発生システムのダイナミクス」(編集:上野直人・八杉貞雄・野地澄晴)「蛋白質・核酸・酵素」増刊号 50, 724-730, 2005

田中博和・町田千代子・町田泰則 トルイジンブルー法—シロイヌナズナの表皮の異常を検出する 「改訂3版モデル植物の実験プロトコール」(監修 岡田清孝他)細胞工学別冊植物細胞工学シリーズ 21, 70-71, 2005

Machida C., Iwakawa, H., Ueno, Y., Semiarti, E., Tsukaya, H., Hasebe, M.Kojima, S. and Machida, Y. "Morphogenesis and Pattern Formation in Biological Systems - Experiments and Models -" edited by T. Sekimura, S. Noji, N. Ueno, and P.K. Maini. Published by Springer-Verlag Tokyo, pp177-187, 2003

町田千代子 植物の形造り:葉の組み立て. 明日を拓く植物科学.光りエネルギーを生物エネルギーにかえる植物の設計図を読む. 第16回「大学と科学」公開シンポジウム講演収録集. クバプロ 38-47, 2002

町田千代子・上野宜久・町田泰則 葉の形成 植物ゲノム機能のダイナミズム:転写因子による発現制御 (監修:岩渕雅樹、篠崎一雄 )シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京 pp46-56, 2002

上野宜久・町田千代子・町田泰則. 葉の発生分化における左右相称性と扁平性の制御機構.植物の形づくり:遺伝子から見た分子メカニズム(編集:岡田清孝・町田泰則・島本功・福田裕穂・中村研三)蛋白質核酸酵素2002年9月号増刊:1570-1575, 2002

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Machida C., Onouchi H., Endang S., Ishikawa T., Machida Y.:Use of the R-RS site-specific recombination system in plants. Plant Molecular Biology Manual (ed. by Gelvin, S.B.) published by Kluwer Academic Publishers (Netherland) N2, 1-23 (2000)

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Vial-Pradel S., Keta S., Nomoto M., Luo L., Takahashi H., Suzuki M., Yokoyama Y., Sasabe M., Kojima S., Tada Y., Machida Y., Machida C. Arabidopsis zinc-finger-like protein ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 (AS2) and two nucleolar proteins maintain gene body DNA methylation in the leaf polarity gene ETTIN (ARF3). Plant Cell Physiol. 59(7):1385-1397 (2018)

Luong Q. T., Keta S., Asai T., Kojima S., Nakagawa A., Micol J. L., Xia S., Machida Y. and Machida C. A genetic link between epigenetic repressor AS1-AS2 and DNA replication factors in establishment of adaxial-abaxial leaf polarity of Arabidopsis. Plant Biotechnology 35, 1–11 (2018)

Matsumura Y., Ohbayashi I., Takahashi H., Kojima S., Ishibashi N., Keta S., Nakagawa A., Hayashi R., Saez-Vasquez J., Echeverria M., Sugiyama M., Nakamura K., *Machida C. and *Machida Y. A genetic link between epigenetic repressor AS1-AS2 and a putative small subunit processome in leaf polarity establishment of Arabidopsis Biol. Open , 5, 942-954, (2016).

Machida C., Nakagawa A., Kojima S., Takahashi H., Machida Y. The complex of ASYMMETRIC LEAVES (AS) proteins plays a central role in antagonistic interactions of genes for leaf polarity specification in Arabidopsis WIREs Developmental Biology 4, 655-671 (2015).

Ishibashi N., Kitakura S., Terakura S., Machida C. and Machida Y.: Protein encoded by oncogene 6b from Agrobacterium tumefaciens has a reprogramming potential and histone chaperone-like activity. Front. Plant Sci. 2014, 5:572 (2014). doi: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00572. eCollection (2014)

Ishibashi N., Machida C. and Machida Y. ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 and FASCIATA2 cooperatively regulate the formation of leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Biotechnology 30, 411-415 (2013)

Iwasaki M., Takahashi H., Iwakawa H., Nakagawa A., Ishikawa T., Tanaka h., Matsumura Y., Pekker I., Eshed Y., Vial-Pradel S., Ito T., Watanabe Y., Ueno Y., Fukazawa H., Kojima S., Machida Y. and Machida C.: Dual regulation of ETTIN (ARF3) gene expression by AS1-AS2, which maintains the DNA methylation level, is involved in stabilization of leaf adaxial-abaxial partitioning in Arabidopsis. Development 140, 1958-1969 (2013)

Takahashi H., Iwakawa H., Ishibashi N., Iwasaki, M., Kojima, S., Matsumura Y., Prananingrum, P., Takahashi, A., Ikezaki, M., Luo, L., Kobayashi, T., Machida, Y. and Machida, C. Meta-analyses of microarrays of Arabidopsis asymmetric leaves2 (as2) and as1 mutants reveal a critical role of the ETT pathway in stabilization of adaxial-abaxial patterning and cell division during leaf development. Plant Cell Physiol 54(3), 418-431 (2013)

Takahashi H., Nakagawa A., Kojima S., Takahashi A., Cha B. Y., Woo J., Nagai K., Machida Y. and Machida C.: Discovery of novel rules for G-quadruplex-forming sequences in plants by using bioinformatics methods J. Bioscience and Bioengineering 114, 570-575 (2012)

Nakagawa A., Takahashi H., Kojima S., Sato N., Ohga K., Cha B. Y., Woo J., Nagai K., Horiguchi G., Tsukaya H., Machida Y. and Machida C.: Berberine enhances defects in the establishment of leaf polarity in asymmetric leaves1 and asymmetric leaves2 of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Molecular Biology 79, 569-581 (2012)

Keta S., Iwakawa I., Ikezaki M.,Semiarti E., Kojima S., Machida Y. and Machida C.: Roles of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene in floral organ development in Arabidopsis thalianav. Plant Biotechnology 29, 1-8 (2012)

Ishibashi N., Kanamaru K., Ueno Y., Kojima S., Kobayashi T., Machida C. and Machida Y.: ASYMMETRIC-LEAVES2 and an ortholog of eukaryotic NudC domain proteins repress expression of AUXIN-RESPONSE-FACTOR and class 1 KNOX homeobox genes for development of flat symmetric leaves in Arabidopsis Biology Open 1, 197-207 (2012)

Luo L., Ando S., Sasabe M., Machida C., Kurihara D., Higashiyama T. and Machida Y. Arabidopsis ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 protein required for leaf morphogenesis consistently forms speckles during mitosis of tobacco BY-2 cells via signals in its specific sequence Journal of Plant Research 125, 661-668 (2012)

Semiarti E., Indrianto A., Purwantoro A., Machida Y. and Machida C.: Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation on Indonesian Orchids for Micropropagation Genetic Transformation (InTech - Open Access Publisher)(Rijeka, Croatia) (2011)

Kojima S., Iwasaki, M., Takahashi H., Imai, T., Matsumura, Y., Fleury D., Van Lijsebettens, M., Machida Y. and Machida C.: ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 and Elongator, a Histone Acetyltransferase Complex, Mediate the Establishment of Polarity in Leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana Plant Cell Physiol. 52(8), 1259-1273 (2011)

Semiarti E., Indrianto A., Purwantoro A., Martiwi I. N. A., Feroniasanti Y. M. L., Nadifah F., Mercuriana I. S., Dwiyani R., Iwakawa H., Yoshioka Y., Machida Y. and Machida C: High-frequency genetic transformation of Phalaenopsis amabilis orchids using tomato extract-enriched medium for preculture of protocorms. J. of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 85(3), 205-210 (2010) 

Ikezaki M., Kojima M., Sakakibara H., Kojima S., Ueno Y., Machida C., Machida Y.: Genetic networks regulated by ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 in leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana: KNOX genes control five morphological events. Plant J. 61, 70-82 (2010)

Matsumura, Y., Iwakawa, H., Machida, Y., Machida, C. 2009. Characterization of genes in the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2/LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES (AS2/LOB) family in Arabidopsis thaliana and functional and molecular comparisons between AS2 and other family members. Plant J. 58(3), 525-37(2009)

Takahashi H., Iwakawa H., Nakao S., Ojio T., Morishita R., Morikawa S., Machida Y., Machida C., Kobayashi T.: Knowledge-based Fuzzy Adaptive Resonance Theory and its Application to the Analysis of Gene Expression in Plants. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengneering 106(6), 587-593 (2008)

Yang JY., Iwasaki M., Machida C., Machida Y., Zhou X., Chua NH.: betaC1,the pathogenicity factor of TYLCCNV, interacts with AS1 to alter leaf development and suppress selective jasmonic acid responses. Genes & Development 22, 2564-2577 (2008)

Ishikawa T., Machida C., Yoshioka Y., Ueda T., Nakano A., Machida Y.: EMBRYO YELLOW gene, encoding a subunit of the conserved oligomeric Golgicomplex, is required for appropriate cell expansion and meristem organization in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genes to Cells 13, 521-535 (2008)

Kitakura S., Terakura S., Yoshioka Y., Machida C., Machida Y.: Interaction between Agrobacterium tumefaciens oncoprotein 6b and a tobacco nucleolar protein that is homologous to TNP1 encoded by a transposableelement of Antirrhinum majus. J. Plant Res. 121, 425-433 (2008)

Iwakawa H., Iwasaki M., Kojima S., UenoY., Soma T., Tanaka H., Semiarti E., Machida Y. and Machida C. : Expression of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene in the adaxial domain of Arabidopsis leaves represses cell proliferation in this domain and is critical for the development of properly expanded leaves. Plant J. 51, 173-184 (2007)

Tanaka H., Watanabe M., Sasabe M., Hiroe T., Tanaka T., Tsukaya H., Machida C. and Machida Y. : Novel receptor-like kinase ABNORMAL LEAF SHAPE2 controls embryonic patterning and post-embryonic development of shoot organs through epidermal differentiation in Arabidopsis. Development 134, 1643-1652 (2007)

Semiarti E., Indrianto A., Purwantoro A., Isminingsih S., Suseno N., Ishikawa T., Yoshioka Y., Machida Y. and Machida C. : Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of the wild orchid species . Phalaenopsis amabilis, Plant Biotechnology 24, 265-272 (2007)

Terakura S., Ueno Y., Tagami H., Kitakura S., Machida C., Wabiko H., Aiba H., Otten L., Tsukagoshi H., Nakamura K., Machida Y. : An oncoprotein from the plant pathogen Agrobacterium has histone-chaperone-like activity. Plant Cell 19, 2855-2865 (2007)

Ueno Y., Ishikawa T., Watanabe K., Terakura S., Iwakawa H., Okada K., Machida C. and Machida Y. : Histone Deacetylases and ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 Are Involved in the Establishment of Polarity in Leaves of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 19, 445-57 (2007)

Terakura S., Kitakura S., Ishikawa M., Ueno Y., Fujita T., Machida C., Wabiko H. and Machida Y. : Oncogene 6b from Agrobacterium tumefaciens induces abaxial cell division at late stages of leaf development and modifies vascular development in petioles. Plant & Cell Physiology 47, 664-672 (2006)

Watanabe M., Tanaka H., Machida C., Watanabe D, Machida Y. : The ACR4 receptor-like kinase is required for surface formation of epidermis-related tissues in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 39, 298-308 (2004)

Kitakura S., Ueno Y., Terakura S., Machida C., and Machida Y. : Mechanism of proliferation of plant cells that is induced by oncogene 6b from Agrobacterium tumefaciens: interaction of the 6b protein with a putative transcription factor in tobacco cells. Endocytobiosis and Cell Research 15, 179-180 (2004)

Tanaka H., Ishikawa M., Kitamura S., Takahashi Y., Soyano T,, Machida C. and Machida Y.: The AtNACK1/HINKEL and STUD/TETRASPORE/AtNACK2 genes, which encode functionally redundant kinesins, are essential for cytokinesis in Arabidopsis. Genes to Cells 9, 1199-1211 (2004)

Tanaka T., Tanaka H., Watanabe M., Machida C., Machida Y.: A new method for rapid visualization of defects in leaf cuticle reveals five intrinsic patterns of surface defects in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 37, 139-146 (2004)

Machida C., Ueno Y.and Machida Y.: Function of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 genes in leaf development of Arabidopsis. Plant Morphology 15, 30-39 (2003)

Ishikawa T., Machida C., Yoshioka Y., Kitano H., and Machida Y.: The GLOBULAR ARREST1 gene, which is involved in the biosynthesis of folates, is essential for embryogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Journal 33, 235-244 (2003)

Machida C., Iwakawa, H., Ueno, Y., Semiarti, E., Tsukaya, H., Hasebe, M., Kojima, S. and Machida, Y.: Formation of a symmetric flat leaf lamina in Arabidopsis Morphogenesis and Pattern Formation in Biological Systems: Experiments and Models (ed. By Sekimura T., Noji, N., Ueno, N. and Maini, P.K.) published by Springer-Verlag 177-187 (2003)

Iwakawa H., Ueno .Y, Semiarti E., Onouchi H., Kojima S., Tsukaya H., Hasebe Y., Soma T., Ikezaki M., Machida C., and Machida Y.: The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana, required for formation of a symmetric flat leaf lamina, encodes a member of a novel family of proteins characterized by cysteine repeats and a leucine zipper. Plant and Cell Physiology 43, 467-478 (2002)

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Vial-Pradel S. Nomoto M., Takahashi H., Ando S., Suzuki M., Kojima S., Tada Y., Machida Y., Machida C. Arabidopsis zinc-finger-like protein ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 (AS2) bound exon 1 of ETTIN (ARF3) and maintain gene body DNA methylation in ETTIN together with nucleolar proteins EMBO workshop New shores in land plant evolution 20-22, June, 2018 (Lisbon, Portugal)

Vial-Pradel S., Keta S., Nakagawa A., Suzuki M., Matsumura Y., Kojima S., Machida Y. and Machida C. Genetic and molecular interactions between nucleolar factors and AS1-AS2 for regulation of ETT/ARF3 expression in establishment of leaf polarity in Arabidopsis thaliana. Bilateral Closure Symposium of GDRI Integrative Plant Biology Network, October 23-25, 2017(Lyon, France)

Machida C. VIAL-PRADEL S., Nakagawa A., Ito T., Iwasaki M., Ito T., Machida Y. Epigenetic regulator AS1-AS2 maintains the level of gene body DNA methylation of ETTIN in establishment of leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity in Arabidopsis thaliana August 2-7, 2015 Mechanisms in Plant Development (Saxtons River, Vermont, USA)

Nakagawa A., Takahashi H., Kojima S., Machida Y., Machida C. Chemical genetic analyses infer that AS1-AS2 protects developing leaves from camptothecin influence by repressing ARF3 and KRP5 August 2-7, 2015 Mechanisms in Plant Development (Saxtons River, Vermont, USA)

VIAL-PRADEL S., Nakagawa A., Iwasaki M., Ito T., Machida Y., Machida C.: Epigenetic regulation of ETTIN in leaf adaxial-abaxial patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana. XII France-Japan Workshop on Plant Science 2014 -Plant Responses to Environment, October 27-29, 2014 (Yayoi Auditorium, The University of Tokyo)

Nakagawa A., Takahashi H., Ito T., Kojima S., Machida Y., Machida C.: Chemical genetic analyses infer that AS1-AS2 controls cell division through ETTIN in leaf adaxial-abaxial and medio-lateral patterning The 25th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, ICAR2014 July 28 – August 1, 2014 (University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada).

Machida C., Luo L., Keta S., Kurihara D., Ishibashi N., Sasabe M., Machida Y.: Epigenetic regulator ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 protein presented around nucleoli and required for establishment of leaf adaxial cell differentiation consistently forms speckles during mitosis The 25th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, ICAR2014 July 28 – August 1, 2014 (University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada).

Ito T., Vial-Pradel S., Takada E., Nakagawa A., Iwasaki M., Machida Y., Machida C.: Epigenetic regulator AS1-AS2 is involved in gene body DNA methylation of ETTIN in establishment of leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity in Arabidopsis thaliana The 25th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, ICAR2014 July 28 – August 1, 2014 (University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada).

Takahashi H., Nakagawa A., Ishibashi N., Kojima S., Machida Y., Machida C.: Knowledge-based bioinformatic analyses of microarrays predict that epigenetic regulator AS1-AS2 controls cell division through ETTIN in leaf adaxial-abaxial patterning The 25th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, ICAR2014 July 28 – August 1, 2014 (University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada).

Kojima S., Takahashi H., Ishibashi N., Handayani A., Matsumura Y., Machida Y., Machida C.: ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 regulate the expression of AtIPT3 through AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR3/ETTIN function during leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana. June 29-July 4, 2014 International Symposium on Auxins and Cytokinins in Plant Development (Prague, Czech Republic).

Ishibashi N., Kojima S., Kojima M., Sakakibara H., Takahashi H., Machida C. Machida Y: AS2 and BOB1 synergistically regulate cytokinin levels and the establishment of leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity through the ETT/ARF3-IPT3 pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana. June 29-July 4, 2014 International Symposium on Auxins and Cytokinins in Plant Development (Prague, Czech Republic).

MachidaC., Takahashi H., Iwasaki M., Nakagawa A., Ishibashi N., Eshed Y., Kojima S., Machida Y.: The AS1-AS2-ETT pathway regulates cytokinin synthesis and cell division. FASEB Science Research Conferences (SRC). August 11-16, 2013 Mechanisms in Plant Development (Saxtons River, Vermont, USA)

Kojima S., Takahashi H., Ishibashi N., Handayani A., Matsumura Y., Prananingrum P., Machida Y. and Machida C.: Identification of downstream targets of ASYMMETRIC

LEAVES2 and its modifiers during leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana. FASEB Science Research Conferences (SRC). August 11-16, 2013 Mechanisms in Plant Development (Saxtons River, Vermont, USA)

Iwasaki, M., Kojima, S., Matsumura, Y., Ueno, Y., Machida, Y. and Machida, C.: A genetic screen for genes interacting with AS2 during leaf development. 19th International Conference on Arabidopsis Reseach, 2008 (Montreal, Canada)

Machida C.: The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 and ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 genes in Arabidopsis regulate the expression of abaxial polarity genes targeted with ta-siRNA in leaves. Molecular Biology Society of Japan, The 7th MBSJ Spring Symposium (at Awajishima), April 23, 2007

Iwakawa H., Iwasaki M., Kojima S., Takahashi H., Kobayashi T., Machida Y. and Machida C.: The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene regulates adaxial cell proliferation involved in the development of symmetric and flat leaf laminae. 18th International Conference on Arabidopsis Reseach, June, 2007 (Beijing, CHN)

Iwasaki M., Iwakawa H., Ueno Y., Takahashi H., Kojima S., Kobayashi T., Machida Y. and Machida C.: The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 regulates leaf polarity by repressing ETTIN in Arabidopsis. 18th International Conference on Arabidopsis Reseach, June, 2007 (Beijing, CHN)

Semiarti E., Indrianto A., Purwantoro A., Isminingsih S., Suseno N., Ishikawa T., Yoshioka Y., Machida Y. and Machida C.: The Use of Arabidopsis BP/KNAT1 gene in Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of the wild orchid species Phalaenopsis amabilis 18th International Conference on Arabidopsis Reseach, June, 2007 (Beijing, CHN)

Tanaka H.,Tanaka T., Machida C. and Watanabe M.: Arabidopsis requires signal pathways for the formation of epidermal cuticle. XVII International Botanical Congress Vienna, 17 - 23 July, 2005 (Austria, Europe)

Ishikawa T., Iwakawa H., Ueno Y., Kitakura S., Machida Y. and Machida C.: Subcellular localization of AS1 and AS2 proteins that regulate leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana.  The 20th IUBMB Congress and 11th FAOBMB Congress, June, 2006 (Kyoto, Japan)

Kojima S., Matsumura Y.,Ueno Y., Machida Y. and Machida C.: A genetic screen for new factors involved in ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2-mediated leaf developmental pathway. The 20th IUBMB Congress and 11th FAOBMB Congress, June, 2006 (Kyoto, Japan)

Ueno Y., Machida C. and Machida Y.: The distribution of microRNA165/166 in Arabidopsis involves ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 and histone deacetylase. 17th International Conference on Arabidopsis Reseach, Univ. of Wisconsin, June, 2006 (Madison, USA)

Kojima S., Iwakawa H., Ueno Y., Semiarti E., Soma T., Kuzumaki A.,Tsukaya H., Machida C. and Machida Y.: Function of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 genes in leaf development of Arabidopsis. International symposium on PLANT AXIS FORMATION AND SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION, March, 2005 (Tokyo, Japan)

Tanaka H., Watanabe M., Hiroe T., Tsukaya H., Machida C. and Machida Y.: Genetic analysis of genes involved in differentiation of the protoderm and epidermis in Arabidopsis thaliana. International symposium on PLANT AXIS FORMATION AND SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION, March, 2005 (Tokyo , Japan).

Ogasawara F., Ikezaki M., Ueno Y., Machida C. and Machida Y.: Role of class 1 knox genes in asymmetric leaves1 mutant in Arabidopsis thaliana 16th International Conference on Arabidopsis Reseach, Univ. of Wisconsin, June, 2005 (Madison, USA)

Kojima S., Ueno Y., Iwakawa H., Semiarti E., Soma T., Tsukaya H., Ishikawa T., Machida Y. and Machida C.: ”The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 is involved in the formation of a flat leaf lamina in the presence of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 gene”, 16th International Conference on Arabidopsis Reseach, Univ. of Wisconsin, June, 2005 (Madison, USA)


The 80th Annual Meeting of Genetics Society of Japan Best Paper Award 2008 Machida C., Iwakawa H., Takahashi H., Mazet Rémi, Iwasaki M., Kojima S., Kobayashi T. and Machida Y. : Analysis of genetic network of gene regulation mediated by AS2 and AS1 in the leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana September 2009 (Nagoya)

Nagoya International Orchid Congress(NIOC)Semiarti, E., Indrianto, A., Purwantoro, A., Isminingsih, S., Suseno, N., Machida, Y., Kojima, S. and Machida, C.:Development of methods for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of the wild orchid species Phalaenopsis amabilis and its application. Nagoya International Orchid Congress 2009 (Nagoya)



日本学術会議連携会員(第22, 23期)2011-2017









Plant and cell physiology(編集委員)2002-2005



国際出願:PCT/JP2008/056227 町田泰則, エンダン・セミアルティ, 町田千代子 ラン科植物の形質転換方法 国際出願日:2008年3月28日

特願2007-095868 ラン科植物の形質転換方法 町田泰則, エンダン・セミアルティ, 町田千代子



2018-2020 基盤研究(B) 特設分野研究 研究代表者

2018-2020 基盤研究(C) 一般 研究代表者

2015-2017 基盤研究(C) 研究代表者

2012-2014 基盤研究(C) 研究代表者

2009-2011 基盤研究(C) 研究代表者

2007-2012 特定領域研究 植物メリステム 計画研究(研究分担者)

2007-2008 基盤研究(C) 研究代表者

2003-2004 基盤研究(C) 研究代表者

2001-2005 特定領域研究 発生システムのダイナミクス 公募研究(研究代表者)


2005-2009 私立大学学術研究高度化推進事業学術フロンティア推進事業(文部科学省)(研究代表者)

2001-2006 CREST(独立行政法人科学技術振興機構)(代表 岡田清孝)(研究分担者)

1992-1994 JSTさきがけ「細胞と情報」


2008 ひらめき☆ときめき サイエンス~ようこそ大学の研究室へ~KAKENHI(研究代表者)
