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About the Department of Electrical Engineering

The goal of the Department of Electrical Engineering is to train electrical engineers versed in the latest technology, skilled as specialists, and invested with a sense of purpose. The course is comprised of three areas of study: Electric Power and Equipment, Electrical Appliances and Control, and Electricity and Information. Through this coursework, the basics of electricity are thoroughly mastered before the students go on to gain in-depth specialized knowledge in their chosen field. Compared to other universities, a considerable amount of time is devoted to lab work, and characteristic to the course is its endeavor to teach students how to gain an empirical understanding of the phenomenon of electricity. Classes also involve considerable training on computer systems utilizing the latest workstations and PCs, thus training engineers with the ability to build computer systems.

As an industrial field in which increasingly diverse technological development is expected, the role of our department in the educating of electrical and electronic specialists is continually expanding. In recent years the demand for female engineers has also risen, with a steady increase in employment for them in high-powered enterprises.

Electrical Engineering

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